Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 09/03/09 13:27:04

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=SCS_TEST_TRACKING_MAINTENANCE_R7, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block


(Give as much as possible of the needed information for designing and implementing the task in the following sections.)


Update TestLink.

Task requirements

Include test cases in the following test suits of the TestLink:

  • Layout
  • Group
  • Timeline

and note them in

Task result

The TestLink structure is updated

Implementation idea

Create the following testcases:

  • Layout
    • App window
      • Show/hide flaps
      • Show/hide tabs
      • Change tabs
      • Show/hide palletes
      • Show changes in the desktop and a book
      • Show resources in the book
      • Copy an resource
      • Delete a resource
      • Use templates
        • Use templates for a page
        • Use templates for a frame
    • Book window
      • Change a book window
      • Hide all windows and show the desktop
      • Close a book window
      • Minimize a book window
      • Maximize a book window
      • Restore a book window
    • Bottom panel
      • Zoom in/out
      • Change page number
      • Search a text
      • Outline frames
      • Open preview
      • Close preview
    • Halos
      • Resize a book desktop
      • Add an object as a template
        • Add a page as a template
        • Add a frame as a template
      • Manage links
    • Huds
      • Change rotation point and angle
  • Group
    • Group editing
      • Grouping objects
      • Ungrouping objects
    • Group content editing
      • Entering group
      • Exiting group
    • Timelines
      • Object activation times
  • Timeline
    • move the timeline
      • make the timeline floating
      • fix the timeline in the bottom flap
    • undock the timeline
    • visibility and invisibility
      • set an interval of visibility/invisibility
      • set a point for begging of visibility/invisibility
      • set all the time visible/invisible

Mindmap currently in

How to demo

Show the updated structure of the testlink


The content of the test

  • Layout
    • App window
      • Show/hide flaps
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is strated and all the flaps are shown.
2. Click on the 'left flap'/'bottom flap'/'right flap' button.2. The corresponding flap is hidden.
3. Click again on the 'left flap'/'bottom flap'/'right flap' button.3. The corresponding flap is shown.
  • Show/hide tabs
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the different coloured tab is shown.
2. Click on its button.2. The corresponding tab's content is hidden.
3. Click again on its button.3. The corresponding tab's content is shown.
  • Change tabs
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the different coloured tab is shown.
2. Click on other tab's button.2. The new tab's content is shown.
  • Show/hide palettes
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the pallets of the different coloured tab are shown.
2. Click on tab's button.2. The pallets of the tab are hidden.
3. Click again on tab's button.3. The pallets of the tab are shown.
  • Move palette
    • Make a palette floating
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the palettes of the different coloured tab are shown.
2. At the top of a palette press the 'floating' sign.2. The timeline gets floating and it can be moved wherever you want.
  • Make a palette fixed
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the palettes of the different coloured tab are shown.
2. At the top of a palette press the 'floating' sign.2. The timeline gets floating and it can be move wherever you want.
3. At the top of the timeline press 'fix' sign.3. The timeline gets stuck at the corresponding tab.
  • Sticking
    • Unsticking flap/tab/palette on the application window
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and all the flaps with some tabs and palettes are shown.
2. At the top of a flap/tab/palette press the 'unpin' sign.2. The flap/tab/palette gets unstuck.
3. Click on another flap/tab/palette.3. The first flap/tab/palette hides.
  • Sticking flap/tab/palette on the application window
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and all the flaps with some tabs and palettes are shown.
2. At the top of a flap/tab/palette press the 'unpin' sign.2. The flap/tab/palette gets unstuck.
3. At the top of a flap/tab/palette press the 'pin' sign.3. The flap/tab/palette gets stuck.
4. Click on another flap/tab/palette.4. The first flap/tab/palette doesn't hide.
  • Show changes in the desktop and a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the right flap is shown.
2. Click on 'Changes' tab button in the right flap.2. A pallet with all the changes in the desktop is shown as the last change is on the top.
3. Click File->New book.3. A window with book properties is shown.
4. Click on 'ok' button.4. A new book is created and its changes are now shown in the pallet.
  • Show resources in the desktop and in a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the right flap is shown.
2. Click on 'Resources' tab button in the right flap.2. A pallet with all the resources in the desktop is shown.
3. Click File->New book.3. A window with book view is shown.
4. Click on 'ok' button.4. A new book is created and its resources are now shown in the pallet.
  • Copy an resource
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Open the Resources tab for the desktop or a book. 1. The resources pallet is shown.
2. Click on an element in the Resources list. 2. An information about the element is shown and the buttons 'Copy' and 'Delete' become activ.
3. Click on 'Copy' button.3. A new duplicate resource equal to the first one is created.
  • Delete a resource
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Open the Resources tab for the desktop or a book. 1. The resources pallet is shown.
2. Click on an element in the Resources list. 2. An information about the element is shown and the buttons 'Copy' and 'Delete' become activ.
3. Click on 'Delete' button.3. The selected element is deleted.
  • Use templates
    • Use templates for a page
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the right flap is shown.
2. In the right flap click on 'Library' tab.2. The pallets of this tab are shown.
3. Click File->New Book.3. A new book is created.
4. Change the style of a page4. The changed things are visible.
5. Press '+' Halo button to include this page as a template.5. The template is added in the Page template palette.
6. Press '>>' button in the bottom panel to go to the next blank page.6. The next page in the book is shown.
7. Double click on the template in the Page template palette.7. The template is added to the opened page.
  • Use templates for a frame
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the right flap is shown.
2. In the right flap click on 'Library' tab.2. The pallets of this tab are shown.
3. Click Insert->Text.3. A new text frame is created.
4. Change the style of the frame.4. The changed things are visible.
5. Press '+' Halo button to include this text frame as a template.5. The template is added in the Page template palette.
6. Click Insert->Text.6. A new text frame is created.
7. Double click on the template in the Frame template palette.7. The template is added to the selected frame.
  • Book window
    • Change a book window
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click File->New Book.2. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top next to the first one and the window of the new created book is shown.
3. Click on the button of the first one.3. The window of the first book is shown over the other one.
  • Hide all windows and show the desktop
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click File->New Book.2. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top next to the first one and the window of the new created book is shown.
3. Click on the button with a desktop picture located next to the buttons of the books.3. All the books are minimized and the window of the desktop is shown.
  • Close a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click on the 'x' button at the top, right edge of the book window.2. The book is closed.
  • Minimize a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click on the 'minimized' button at the top, right edge of the book window.2. The book is minimized.
  • Restore a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click on the 'restore' button at the top, right edge of the book window.2. The book is restored and can be moved.
  • Maximize a book
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
2. Click on the 'restore' button at the top, right edge of the book window.2. The book is restored and can be moved.
3. Click on the 'maximize' button at the top, right edge of the book window.3. The book is maximized.
  • Bottom panel
    • Zoom in/out
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top,the book window is shown and the bottom panel of the book appears.
2. On the bottom, right edge of the bottom panel there is fild where you write a number larger than 100. The window of the book is enlarged.
3. In the same field enter a number smaller than the number in it. The window is made smaller.
4. From the dropdown menu next to the field choose a value for change.The view is changed(zoomed in or out).
  • Change page number
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top,the book window is shown and the bottom panel of the book appears.
2. In the bottom panel press '>>' button. The window of the next page in the book is shown.
3. In the bottom panel press '<<' button. The window of the previous page in the book is shown.
3. In the bottom panel between the '<<' and '>>' button write a number of a created page and press enter. The window of the desired page in the book is shown.
  • Search a text
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top,the book window is shown and the bottom panel of the book appears.
2. In the bottom panel in the field next to '/\' and '\/' buttons enter a text.2. The text is written in the field.
3. In the bottom panel press '/\' button.3. The text from the field is searched in the opened book as the searching starts from the position of the cursor and when it is is found it's coloured in yellow.
4. In the bottom panel press '/\' button again.4. The text from the field is searched in the opened book as the searching starts from the found yellow text(if avaialable) or from the cursor and goes forward and when it is is found it's coloured in yellow and the previous yellow text(if available) is discoloured.
5. In the bottom panel press '\/' button.5. The text from the field is searched in the opened book as the searching starts from the found yellow text(if avaialable) or from the cursor(if not) and goes backwards and when it is is found it's coloured in yellow and the previous yellow text(if available) is discoloured.
  • Outline frames
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top, the book window is shown and the bottom panel of the book appears.
2. Click Insert->Text.2. A new text frame is creted.
3. In the bottom panel check the 'outline frames' checkbox.3. The box is checked and the outline of the frame is visible.
4. Uncheck the 'outline frames' checkbox.4. The box is unchecked and the outline of the frame is invisible.
  • Open preview
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top, the book window is shown and the bottom panel of the book appears.
2. In the bottom panel click on the 'open preview button'.A preview book is created, a button with its name appears at the top, the preview window is shown.
  • Close preview
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Open Preview of a book1. The preview is opened.
2. Click on the 'close' button located at the buttom, right angle or press the close button at the top,right edge.2. The preview is closed.
  • Halos
    • Resize a book/sophies desktop
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and sophie's desktop is shown.
2. Click and drag the Halo at the bottom, right angle of the desktop.2. The Desktop is resized.
3. Click File->New Book.3. A new book is created, a button with its name appears at the top and the book window is shown.
4. Click and drag the Halo at the bottom, right angle of the book's desktop.4. The Desktop is resized.
  • Add an object as a template
  • Add a page as a template
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click File->New Book.1. A new book is creted.
2. Change the style of a page2. The changed things are visible.
3. Press '+' Halo button to include this page as a template.3. The template is added as the template and can be viewed and used in right flap->Library tab->Page template palette.
  • Add a frame as a template
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Click Insert->Text.1. A new text frame is creted.
2. Change the style of the frame.2. The changed things are visible.
3. Press '+' Halo button to include this text frame as a template.3. The template is added as the template and can be viewed and used in right flap->Library tab->Page template palette.
  • Manage links
  • Create a link
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Create a new book.1. A new book is created.
2. Insert an object.2. A new object is creted.
3. Click on the object.3. The object gets activ and its HALOs appear.
4. Click on the 'manage links' sign at the top. 4. 'Manage links' HUD opens.
5. Click on the '+' sign. 5. A new link for the object is created.
6. Choose a trigger and action for the rule link.6. The rule and the action are set.
7. Choose action setting according to the action. 7. The action settings are set.
8. Hide bottom and right flaps by clicking on their names.8. Bottom and right flaps are hidden.
9. Click on 'open preview' button at the bottom panel.9. The preview is opened and the link can be tested and seen.
  • Delete a link
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Create a new book.1. A new book is created.
2. Insert an object.2. A new object is creted.
3. Create a link for the object.3. A link is created.
4. Click on the '-' sign.4. The link is deleted.
  • Huds
    • Change rotation point and angle
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Insert an object.1. The object is inserted.
2. Click on the object. 2. The object is selected.
3. Click on the Halo between the two arrows at the right, bottom adge of the object3. The rotation point and angle HUD opens.
4. Select a point of rotation as click on one of the radio buttons.4. The point of rotation is chose.
5. Enter a number in the field as a rotation angle.5. As big the number is as big the rotation is.
  • Group
    • Group editing
      • Grouping objects
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Insert an object.1. The object is inserted.
2. Insert another element.2. The object is also inserted.
3. Click on one of the objects.3. The object is selected.
4. Press and hold shift and click on the second objectt.4. The both objects are selected and a common border appears.
5. Click on the 'gr' HALO at the top of the objects.5. The objects are grouped.
  • Ungrouping objects
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Group some objects.1. The objects are grouped.
2. Click on the group(if not selected).2. The group is selected.
3. Click on the striked out 'gr' HALO at the top of the objects.3. The objects are ungrouped.
  • Group content editing
    • Entering group
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Group some objects.1. The objects are grouped.
2. Click on the group(if not selected).2. The group is selected.
3. Click on the arrow pointing downwards at the top of the group.3. You are able to enter the group as clicking and selecting an object inside of it.
  • Exiting group
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Group some objects.1. The objects are grouped.
2. Click on the group(if not selected).2. The group is selected.
3. Click on the arrow pointing downwards at the top of the group.3. You are able to enter the group as clicking and selecting an object inside of it.
3.1. Click on the arrow pointing upwards at the top of the group.3. You exit the group and the group is disselected.
3.2.1 Click on an object inside the group.3. The object is selected and its HALOs appear at the top.
3.2.2 Click on the arrow pointing upwards at the top of the group.3. You exit the object and the group and the group is disselected.
  • Timelines
    • Object activation times
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Group some objects.1. The objects are grouped.
2. Use the timeline from the bottom flap to set activation times for the group. The activation time is aquired for the entire group.
  • Timeline
    • move the timeline
      • make the timeline floating
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. At the top of the timeline press 'floating' sign.2. The timeline gets floating and it can be moved wherever you want.
  • fix the timeline in the bottom flap
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. At the top of the timeline press 'floating' sign.2. The timeline gets floating and it can be move wherever you want.
3. At the top of the timeline press 'fix' sign.3. The timeline gets stuck at the bottom flap.
  • undock the timeline
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. At the top of the timeline press 'undock' sign.2. The timeline gets undocked.
  • visibility and invisibility
    • set an interval of visibility/invisibility
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. Create a book. 2. A book is created.
3. Insert an object.3. The object is inserted.
4. Click on the object4. The object is selected.
5. Make the timeline floating or enlarge it by draging the its upper border until the visibility line appears.5.The timeline is enlarged and the visibility line appears.
6. Click on the visibility line.6. The visibility line is selected.
7. Set start and end time for the value of visibility (start time < end time).7. Start and end time are set
8. Set a value for this interval (true or false).8. The value is set.
9. Click on the 'set inteval' button.9. The state is set in the line of visibility(pink for true, yellow for false).
10. Hide bottom and right flaps by clicking on their names.10. Bottom and right flaps are hidden.
11. Click on 'open preview' button at the bottom panel.11. The preview is opened and the set interval of visibility is visible.
  • set a point for begging of visibility/invisibility
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. Create a book. 2. A book is created.
3. Insert an object.3. The object is inserted.
4. Click on the object4. The object is selected.
5. Make the timeline floating or enlarge it by draging the its upper border until the visibility line appears.5.The timeline is enlarged and the visibility line appears.
6. Click on the visibility line.6. The visibility line is selected.
7. Set a value for this interval (true or false).7. The value is set.
8. Move the scroller in the scale and set a start time.8. The start time is set and it applied to the end of the line of visibility.
9. Click on the 'set from' button. 9. The state is set in the line of visibility (pink for true, yellow for false).
10 Hide bottom and right flaps by clicking on their names.10. Bottom and right flaps are hidden.
11. Click on 'open preview' button at the bottom panel.11. The preview is opened and the set from time of visibility is visible.
  • set all the time visible/invisible
Steps:Expected Results:
1. Start sophie 2.1. Sophie 2 is started and the bottom flap with the timeline in it is opened.
2. Create a book. 2. A book is created.
3. Insert an object.3. The object is inserted.
4. Click on the object4. The object is selected.
5. Make the timeline floating or enlarge it by draging the its upper border until the visibility line appears.5.The timeline is enlarged and the visibility line appears.
6. Click on the visibility line.6. The visibility line is selected.
7. Set a value for this interval (true or false).7. The value is set.
8. Click on the 'set all' button. 8. The state is set in the line of visibility (pink for true, yellow for false).
9. Hide bottom and right flaps by clicking on their names.9. Bottom and right flaps are hidden.
10. Click on 'open preview' button at the bottom panel.10. The preview is opened and the set all time of visibility occurs.


All the test cases are included in TestLink and can be viewed in . All the test cases are noted in mindMap document:


(Place the testing results here.)


(Write comments for this or later revisions here.)