Feedback related tickets (33 matches)


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Type: unplanned_task (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Status Priority Milestone Component
#1850 GROUP_HUDS_R0 unplanned_task closed major M11_BETA3 uncategorized
#1944 GROUP_TEMPLATES_R3 unplanned_task closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1986 UNPLANNED_PALETTES_REFACTORING_R0 unplanned_task closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1933 HOT_TEXT_REDESIGN_R2 unplanned_task closed critical M09_BETA1 TEXT_FLOWING

Type: planned_task (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Status Priority Milestone Component
#236 BASE_DND_R2 planned_task closed 3 M10_BETA2 BASE_GUI_LIB
#754 FRAME_SIZE_R2 planned_task closed 3 M09_BETA1 FRAME_PROPERTIES
#974 MEDIA_ENGINE_IMPL_MAIN_R2 planned_task closed 3 M09_BETA1 MEDIA_CONTENT

Type: bug (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Status Priority Milestone Component
#1998 Links: Trigger and action should be inactive when no rule is selected bug closed minor M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1893 Frames should have 0 border and padding by default. bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1955 Keyboard shortcuts only work when layout element is focused bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1976 Crash: Right mouse button click on a selected page thumbnail crashes bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1981 Full screen mode: Book windows do not have minimize/maximize/close buttons bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1983 Keyboard shortcut consistency is needed (pluses and minuses) bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1984 Ctrl+A does not select all of the elements on the page bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1985 Text caret should not be shown in preview mode and reader bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1990 Tweak: Error reports should be with .txt by default and e-mail should not be mandatory bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1992 Palettes' names in Developer's skin have double names bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1994 Dragging a resource to the PWA copies the resource instead of linking it bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1995 Page preview unexpected behaviour. bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1996 Ctrl+Shift+Tab should scroll opened books tabs backwards bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1997 Crash: "Use content from template" halo of a page crashes the application when using it bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2004 "Esc" key should return to Normal mode if you are in fullscreen bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2006 Page preview palette: Inactive pages of a book in preview mode are grey bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2007 Newly created frames should be on focus bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2008 Books in preview mode should have "Preview of" in titlebar bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2009 When a book extra is hidden and then shown after that it can not be edited. bug closed major M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#1975 Exception, Ctrl+Tab throws an exception bug closed critical M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2001 Hot text: Pressing tab in a text frame moves focus to the frame halo bug closed critical M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2003 Resources should have titles that are human readable and editable bug closed critical M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2005 preview-mode-no-actions - Forbid actions on books that are in preview mode bug closed critical M12_RELEASE uncategorized
#2010 page-scroll - Scroll button of the mouse works only when the cursor is on the scrollbar. bug closed critical M12_RELEASE uncategorized
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