Bugs (611 matches)



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Results (1 - 150 of 611)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1972 Hot text: Ctrl+left(right) does not place the cursor in desired position closed vlado bug trivial M12_RELEASE
#2291 Mac application has two different about boxes closed bug trivial M12_RELEASE
#1694 BUG_BASE_HALOS_R0_LAYOUT_ZOOMED closed dido bug minor M07_ALPHA2
#1737 Navigating with arrows in HotText scrolls the page work area closed dido bug minor
#1738 File dialog displays the previously selected file name, which can be of different type closed mitex bug minor
#1739 TAB_NAVIGATION_BEHAVIOR closed dido bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1754 Tweak:caret not seen in the end of the text closed vlado bug minor M09_BETA1
#1803 Tweak: Size of the buttons in file dialogs vary closed deyan bug minor
#1927 tweak: saved color from border color picker do not appear in fill color picker closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1966 Book desktop should be in the opened books palette closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1970 Tweak:Maximized book windows could look better closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1980 Tweak: When you hide a tab, the whole flap should hidden. closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1987 Shadows under tabs do not disappear closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1998 Links: Trigger and action should be inactive when no rule is selected closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#1999 Changing trigger or action should not reset frame (page) dropdown closed kyli bug minor M12_RELEASE
#2048 Several Help windows can be opened with Help -> Help Contents closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#2083 Tweak: Pop a message after completion of exporting closed mitex bug minor M12_RELEASE
#2145 preview of book always goes back to page 1 closed bug minor M12_RELEASE
#2223 text-caret-do-not-follow-selection - The text caret always stays after the rightmost selected character. closed bug minor X3
#2292 mac issue: keyboard shortcuts in bug reporting interface are wrong closed bug minor X3
#2320 browser frame URL must have two dots in it closed bug minor X3
#2327 saving over page template saves second page template closed bug minor X3
#2328 saved colors persist across books closed bug minor X3
#2565 [ipad-app] Arrows button does not hide when bottom bar is displayed s2c_design_ok mira bug minor Y1
#2567 [html] Bottom bar is hidden when console is displayed s3c_implementation_ok tancheto bug minor Y1
#2572 [IpadApp] Unpinning pin button on use of the navigation buttons new bug minor Y2
#2573 [HTMLReader] Unvisible embedded book frames blinking new bug minor Y2
#1 enhance the bugtracker closed todor bug major
#1683 UNPLANNED_TEST_FIX_R0 closed kyli bug major M07_ALPHA2
#1701 TLID:784 Text doesn' lay out properly with some fonts and sizes closed vlado bug major
#1702 Page resize halo placed incorrectly closed deni bug major M09_BETA1
#1704 TLID:786 Only vertical gradient is displayed closed pap bug major M09_BETA1
#1706 TLID:790 Book window settings lost on Save As closed deni bug major M09_BETA1
#1707 TLID:807 When overwriting a book page selector goes to "0" closed deyan bug major M09_BETA1
#1708 TLID:792 Maximized book window does not recalculate correctly closed deyan bug major
#1709 Incorrect book window maximize closed jani bug major
#1716 text styles lost when book saved closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1718 [soylatte] audio recording crashes on Sophie running in X11 on a Mac closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1719 Sophie2 doesn't respond to system clipboard change closed kyli bug major M09_BETA1
#1729 An error appears when an unexisting book is opened closed mira bug major M09_BETA1
#1733 Tweak: PDF is not imported with it's proper size closed jani bug major M09_BETA1
#1734 Crash: Zoom percentage panel crashes when the value is <=0 closed deni bug major M09_BETA1
#1741 Tweak : Browser frame 64bit Java, Linux closed nenko bug major M09_BETA1
#1742 Book properties dialog menu item should be hidden when in preview mode and for the desktop book. closed peko bug major M09_BETA1
#1743 TLID:810 Setting the title of the desktop book and closing it should be forbidden. closed peko bug major
#1745 Zooming of the book window should warn when the zoom level is <= 0 closed peko bug major
#1746 Tweak: Text performance is slow when there are no spaces in the text. closed vlado bug major M09_BETA1
#1752 Tweak: Application crashes when the sticky is inserted and manipulated closed mitex bug major
#1755 TLID:510 Crash: Cancel on HTML Export breaks the application closed peko bug major
#1756 Tweak: PDF File Dialog "Save" should be "Export" closed mitex bug major M09_BETA1
#1757 Crash: Zoom panel crashes on "Enter" key closed deyan bug major M09_BETA1
#1759 There are both thickness and insets in the border style class. closed mira bug major M09_BETA1
#1760 Tweak: Grouping chained text frames crashes the application closed dido bug major M09_BETA1
#1761 TLID:805 Tweak:Grouping mess up the z order closed dido bug major M12_RELEASE
#1762 Tweak: Saving a book with the same name as existing one opens the existing one and doesn't save the new one closed dido bug major M09_BETA1
#1763 Tweak: Application crashes when link target is grouped closed dido bug major M09_BETA1
#1769 [soylatte] gradient color square doesn't appear in page hud closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1770 too much typing causes crash closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1771 [soylatte] no sound in sophie on x11/mac closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1772 [soylatte] impossible to access background color in text hud on soylatte/x11 mac closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1773 crash on pasting rich text closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1774 crash on inserting browser frame closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1775 add to template button causes crash closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1776 crash on inserting text frame after clicking page's add to template button closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1777 TLID:802 Tweak: text should not have white background by default. closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1778 strange chaining behavior closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1779 weird behavior when inserting book closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1785 saving book doesn't keep invisible frames invisible closed velizar bug major
#1792 crash on inserting browser frame on apple java 6 mac closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1793 Tweak: "zip" extension is not added automatically on annotation export closed jani bug major M10_BETA2
#1794 TLID:802 Text background is white instead of transparent closed deyan bug major M10_BETA2
#1795 TLID:510 Clicking Cancel on Print to file dialog brings up Print dialog closed diana bug major M10_BETA2
#1796 Tweak: clicking on color squares in gradient picker brings up old-style color picker. closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1797 crash when resizing book closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1798 crash when adding sticky to empty book closed danvisel bug major M09_BETA1
#1799 dialogs-position - Dialogs appear on the primary monitor closed deyan bug major M12_RELEASE
#1800 Text lines overlap in multi line text closed izomorphius bug major M10_BETA2
#1804 Book desktop not restored when going out of full screen mode closed deyan bug major M10_BETA2
#1808 TLID: 995 Crash: When you make 1px book, book properties dialog crashes the app closed diana bug major M10_BETA2
#1809 TLID:913 Crash when trying to insert .jpg instead of pdf closed george bug major
#1810 Tweak:bound slider needs to be created closed velizar bug major
#1811 Validator of bound controls are not updated closed velizar bug major
#1812 ClassCastException is thrown on focus lost inside the zoom percenage combo box closed velizar bug major
#1821 test closed pacitu bug major M02_PRE2
#1825 Tweak: Sophie should offer default filenames for books closed bug major M12_RELEASE
#1826 Crash: crash on recording audio on java 6 mac closed bug major M09_BETA1
#1827 crash: crash when pressing DELETE after typing in sticky closed diana bug major M09_BETA1
#1828 PDF content is not centered in the frame closed diana bug major M10_BETA2
#1829 Preview always shows default page style closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1830 PDF export exports book with it's default style closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1831 HTML export: Only solid color is exported as page background style closed bug major M12_RELEASE
#1832 Crash: Error appears when a frame visibility is unchecked closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1835 Flaps are shown when going out of full screen mode closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1836 Sophie Help: closed bug major
#1837 Crash: Crash when deleting a page in a book closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1838 When you click "x" on the frame delete dialog, the frame is deleted closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1839 Tweak: Book Desktop page should not be shown closed diana bug major M10_BETA2
#1840 Crash: starting Sophie on Mac causes crash closed bug major M09_BETA1
#1841 Tweak: No visual marker of the current skin in the menu. closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1842 TLID:868 "Reverse" of the radial gradient doesn't work as expeced closed bug major M10_BETA2
#1843 Misplaced "Yes" and "No" buttons on the Default skin. (mac only) closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1844 Changing between skins results in strange menu coloring. (mac only) closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1845 test closed pac bug major
#1847 Halos do not lay out correctly in Sophie 2 skin alpha closed bug major
#1848 Focus is often lost when changing selection closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1851 Tweak: Sophie2 skin (alpha) should be the default skin for the beta. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1853 Crash: when deleting the end of the text (position the cursor at the end and press delete twice). closed diana bug major M11_BETA3
#1854 Text: When you try to delete a selection, only one symbol is deleted. closed diana bug major M11_BETA3
#1855 Text: When you delete the first symbol of the text, styling is lost. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1856 UI: Content halo is hidden by the title bar in Sophie2 skin closed deni bug major M11_BETA3
#1857 UI: Rotate halos are mistaken in Sophie2 skin closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1858 HUDs: Colors are not seen in Sophie 2 skin (colors, image rectangles in HUDs) closed bug major
#1859 Text: Lines overlap when typing in Lucida 16px closed bug major
#1860 Text: Setting italic fontstyle breaks striketrough and underline style closed bug major
#1861 Text: Font not saved? Type some text, change font, go to first possible position of the text. Deselect the frame, select it again and open text hud. Font says "Monospaced 16" closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1862 UI: Sticky button is aligned inconsistantly with other buttons in the tab closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1863 Crash: Trying to add text frame with text as template breaks application (crash) closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1864 UI: Dialogs look bad in Sophie2 skin - text fields cannot be recognized. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1865 UI: HUDs are skinned only if they a HUD is opened when you change the skin - Sophie2 skin (look of the HUD, some things are changed) closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1866 UI: Hidden flaps are shown when skin is changed. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1867 UI: Bottom flap steals focus closed tanya bug major M11_BETA3
#1868 Empty book titles should not be allowed closed diana bug major M11_BETA3
#1869 Taab isn't created in default skin if there is no space for it. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1870 Book title should be cut after fixed amount of symbols in the tabbar. closed diana bug major M11_BETA3
#1871 Mydoggy: Book desktop scrollbars appear on book window change instead of desktop book change. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1872 UI: When the bottom panel is closed, I get a crash changing to the Sophie2 (alpha) skin running on a Mac with Apple Java 6. Bug report attached. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1873 UI: Switching from default skin > Sophie 2 (alpha) skin > alternative skin > default skin doesn't return the default skin: menu bars are green. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1874 UI: Inactive buttons should have grey font in Sophie 2 skin closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1875 Flowing between pages is impossible. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1876 UI: Switching skin resets the flap view - for example current tab. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1877 UI: In Sophie2 skin there is no indication witch element is selected inside the combo box. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1878 Crash: HTML insert causes crash. closed george bug major M11_BETA3
#1879 Crash: The 'Go to page...' and 'Go to next page' link actions cause an exception. closed nenko bug major M11_BETA3
#1880 Crash: Invalid links (for example 'Toggle frame' and no frame specified) crash. closed nenko bug major M11_BETA3
#1881 Book preview does not show specified border and background but default ones. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1882 Crash: Changin text font in text frame of the book desktop causes crash. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1883 Opening a book twice doesn't show the book second time. closed bug major M12_RELEASE
#1884 HUDs - OK icons are not displayed for color, image and pattern closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1885 Full screen mode: switching to full screen shows scrollbars closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1886 Tweak: Selected skin is not highlighted in the menu. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1887 Importing a large text file (8kb) using Insert > Plain Text causes Sophie to become unresponsive for a long time (no response for 10 minutes) closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1888 UI: Getting back from full screen mode hides book desktop's page work area. Hit F11 twice when you are focused on book desktop. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1889 There are no scrollers on book desktop resize. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1890 Text: Cursor is seen in preview mode closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1891 Text tweak: Default font should be changed to something nice looking. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1892 UI: Focus is set to book desktop when you close a book. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1893 Frames should have 0 border and padding by default. closed bug major M12_RELEASE
#1894 Frames for small video files (140x105px) are larger (160x120) and video is not streched. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1895 Crash: When gradient "circles" overlap, sophie throws an exception. closed bug major M11_BETA3
#1896 Save book confirmation would be useful.. closed mitex bug major M12_RELEASE
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