Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (1 - 150 of 292)

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Status: closed (150 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1972 Hot text: Ctrl+left(right) does not place the cursor in desired position vlado bug trivial uncategorized 2.0
#2291 Mac application has two different about boxes bug trivial uncategorized 2.0
#1927 tweak: saved color from border color picker do not appear in fill color picker bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1966 Book desktop should be in the opened books palette bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1970 Tweak:Maximized book windows could look better bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1980 Tweak: When you hide a tab, the whole flap should hidden. bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1987 Shadows under tabs do not disappear bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1998 Links: Trigger and action should be inactive when no rule is selected bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1999 Changing trigger or action should not reset frame (page) dropdown kyli bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#2048 Several Help windows can be opened with Help -> Help Contents bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#2083 Tweak: Pop a message after completion of exporting mitex bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#2145 preview of book always goes back to page 1 bug minor uncategorized 2.0
#1717 empty-text-cursor - Cursor shows at start of text frame velizar tweak major uncategorized 2.0
#1761 TLID:805 Tweak:Grouping mess up the z order dido bug major PAGE_ELEMENTS 2.0
#1799 dialogs-position - Dialogs appear on the primary monitor deyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1824 new-book-naming -- New books should have different names mira tweak major uncategorized 2.0
#1825 Tweak: Sophie should offer default filenames for books bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1831 HTML export: Only solid color is exported as page background style bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1846 test2 pacitu planned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#1883 Opening a book twice doesn't show the book second time. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1893 Frames should have 0 border and padding by default. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1896 Save book confirmation would be useful.. mitex bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1909 Crash: Applying a template to it's parent causes "very dangerous" exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1934 GROUP_SCENES_R2 gogov unplanned_task major BASE_SCENE 2.0
#1938 GROUP_HELP_R1 deyan unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#1944 GROUP_TEMPLATES_R3 jani unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#1945 Inserting HTML throws an exception. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1946 Crash: Inserting plain text causes crash. boyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1947 Show Book Desktop results in strange behaviour. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1948 Crash: Inserting HTML causes crash. boyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1949 Crash: Inserting RTF causes crash. boyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1951 There's no book desktop. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1952 Sticky strange behaviour. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1953 Unexpected behavior: Typing in zoom panel supports one character only nenko bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1954 Links: Incorrect behavior, sometimes crashes bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1955 Keyboard shortcuts only work when layout element is focused bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1956 Clicking "Cancel" on add server dialog throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1957 Clicking "Toggle selected" without selected server throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1959 Book desktop resize halo appears when there new book is active. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1960 "Set interval" and "Set all" buttons throw exceptions bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1961 Crash:Dragging tabs and palettes to a page causes an error bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1962 Entering a non-numeric String as page dimension in Book Properties Dialog causes exception. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1963 Crash: Opening a book causes crash. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1964 There are numerous problems with the fulscreen mode. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1965 "Frame hidden" does not work correctly kyli bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1967 Book names should be cut in window list, too mitex bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1969 Importing of multiple resources will be useful bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1971 Hot text navigation: "Home" and "End" buttons do not work correctly vlado bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1973 Hot Text: Changes should be grouped vlado bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1974 Opened documents order should be saved peko bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1976 Crash: Right mouse button click on a selected page thumbnail crashes bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1977 Tweak: Desktop book should be autosaved bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1978 Book desktop contents are not shown in the resources palette bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1979 Auto filename generating should be present mitex bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1981 Full screen mode: Book windows do not have minimize/maximize/close buttons bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1983 Keyboard shortcut consistency is needed (pluses and minuses) bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1984 Ctrl+A does not select all of the elements on the page bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1985 Text caret should not be shown in preview mode and reader diana bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1986 UNPLANNED_PALETTES_REFACTORING_R0 tanya unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#1988 Text: Shift + Enter throws exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1990 Tweak: Error reports should be with .txt by default and e-mail should not be mandatory mitex bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1992 Palettes' names in Developer's skin have double names bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1993 Trying to copy a resource causes an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1994 Dragging a resource to the PWA copies the resource instead of linking it bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1995 Page preview unexpected behaviour. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1996 Ctrl+Shift+Tab should scroll opened books tabs backwards bug major uncategorized 2.0
#1997 Crash: "Use content from template" halo of a page crashes the application when using it bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2000 Selected frames are semi-transparent bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2002 UNPLANNED_LAYOUT_TITLES_R0 deyan unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#2004 "Esc" key should return to Normal mode if you are in fullscreen bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2006 Page preview palette: Inactive pages of a book in preview mode are grey bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2007 Newly created frames should be on focus deni bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2008 Books in preview mode should have "Preview of" in titlebar bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2009 When a book extra is hidden and then shown after that it can not be edited. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2011 Crash:A book cannot be opened twice on MAC bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2014 When a palette or the timeline palette hides after unpin there is no way to appear again bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2015 scene-antialiasing - Text frame border changes or disappears while zooming out tweak major uncategorized 2.0
#2016 Frame and sticky moving do not work correctly with zoom bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2017 Saving a book with gradients throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2018 Opening invalid file evokes exception. kyli bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2019 Trying to insert a not pdf file as a pdf throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2020 Comment frames do not show what was commented kyli bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2022 [natives] Layout is messed up when a tab is switched bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2023 [natives] Sound output is cut bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2025 [natives] Crash: Trying to resize a frame by dragging causes the application to crash bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2027 [natives]Using a template for a page throws an exception when trying to add a frame bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2028 [natives] Trying to load non-existing book throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2029 [natives] Trying to load non-book file as book throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2030 [natives] TLID:837 There is no confirmation when you are overwriting existing book bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2031 [natives]Browser frame throws an exception if you close the program started with it bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2032 [natives] HTML export: extension is not added to the filename; improper overwriting bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2033 [natives] PDF export: improper overwriting bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2035 [natives] Books created with previous releases cannot be opened bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2036 [natives] TLID:1054 Zoom panel is not working properly bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2037 [natives]Text frame border changes or disappears while zooming bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2038 [natives]Saving a book with gradients throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2039 [natives][linux32] TLID:842 HTML exporting bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2040 [natives] TLID:842 HTML exporting does not export text in text frame bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2041 [natives] TLID:1015 Stickies cannot be saved in books bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2042 Stickies cannot be resized. deni bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2043 [natives] When you save a book, the page selector goes to page 1 bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2044 [natives] All page resize halos are moved synchroniously bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2045 UNPLANNED_CREATE_SERVER_RESOURCE_R0 tsachev unplanned_task major APP_CONNECTIVITY 2.0
#2046 [natives] Every file can be imported as audio file bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2047 Crash: Loading a video without audio crashes the application bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2049 [natives] Trying to embed a book throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2051 [natives] Crash on trying to resize a resource frame bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2052 [natives] Trying to Insert a non-video file as video one an exception is thrown bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2053 [natives ]Trying to insert a non-pdf file as a pdf one throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2054 [native][win]Trying to open a book with video file causes media_decoder.exr to crash stefan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2055 [natives] Trying to insert a non-book file as a book or a not existing file as a book throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2056 [natives] Exception on typing text in chained frames bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2057 [natives]Tweak: Writing a not existing address should act as in a real browser sveto bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2058 [natives] Crash on unchaining bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2059 Clipping does not always work in preview mode. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2060 crash: leaving sophie open leads to crash bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2062 Reader: Cannot open book with browser frame bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2063 Cannot start server bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2064 Trying to open the demo book from the server throws an exception meddle bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2065 [natives] Changing X,Y,width or height of a frame they show wrong value when it is correct bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2066 [natives] Adding an action connected with a frame for a link throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2067 Trying to overwrite a book throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2068 [natives] Clicking on "Open Book Extra from File" throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2069 Browser frame content in edit mode is visible bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2070 Changing width or height of a browser frame throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2072 GROUP_TIMELINES_R1 sveto unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#2073 Cancel on Import flash throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2074 Clicking on second frame of grouped chain throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2076 An exception is thrown when tried to insert a page before page 1 in existing book bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2078 Crash: Adding an image or pattern background tanya bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2079 Chained text do not appear in the preview mode. boyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2080 PDF export exports books tiled bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2081 PDF export exports frame outlines bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2082 [natives] Saving a book as an already existing book causes crash bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2084 Missing indication of resize areas bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2085 When clicking on the frame in the reader it becomes semi-transparent. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2086 Grouped frames cannot be saved bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2087 Stickies should be editable preview mode and in reader. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2088 Align horizontaly and verticaly results in moving frames when clicked more than once. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2089 Insert two text frames, move the second, press Ctrl+Z two times, exception occurs. boyan bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2090 When two frames are chained and you try to modify the first exception is thrown. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2091 Links do not work with grouped groups. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2092 [Hot Text] Backspace doesn't work when you first hit it vlado bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2093 The videos in the embedded books can not be played. bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2095 GROUP_TEMPLATES_R4 jani unplanned_task major uncategorized 2.0
#2096 Keyboard shortcuts for text styling don't work. vlado bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2097 Embedded books are 280x210px instead of actual size bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2098 When restarting Sophie the server accounts (connections) from the previous user session are not persisted. tsachev bug major uncategorized 2.0
#2099 Trying to export a book with chained frames as HTML throws an exception bug major uncategorized 2.0
(more results for this group on next page)
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